We've helped 1000's of people globally to transform their lives with Martial Arts

Just do it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Kim, 54
Customer Services Manager

Transform Your Life in 2024

Team Compton Training Centre 

59 Frederick St Northgate, Brisbane, 4013

Program Starts Monday October 14th


It’s been a life changing experience and something I’d recommend to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life.

Chris, 38
Web designer

I was 108kg of fat. Now I'm 82kg.
I am more disciplined and as a result a lot happier with myself and the person I am becoming.

Rian, 24
Company Director


Register Your Interest Now!

© Alta 2023

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  • Train 20 weeks, 3 Days a week, with 1 epic finale 
  • Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00pm - 6:00pm  
  • Price: $80 / week 
  • Start your journey with a $39 membership to access exclusive content in the Alta Academy 

Secure your place today!

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No commitment to fight - just a friendly chat to answer all your questions